Now we will start talking about sensor that we can easily buy online and can be used easily with micro-controller and actually you can develop your own control system.
First we should understand the terms behind the measurement of any quantity with sensor.
So sensors are the things that senses the input quantity or measure the measurand (the quantity that we want to measure) and gives the output.
First we should understand the terms behind the measurement of any quantity with sensor.
So sensors are the things that senses the input quantity or measure the measurand (the quantity that we want to measure) and gives the output.
So input quantity can be temperature, pressure , current, acceleration , rotation frequency , position , distance from an object etc.
And sensor can give output :-
1) Analog
Analog type of sensor gives output in the form of voltage, example like thermistor , sound sensor like mic, light dependent resistor, piezoelectric sensors etc.
And digital type of Sensor gives output in the form of bits and give this bits to the micro-controller,
examples:- DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor, gyro sensor MPU6050, etc.
The relationship between output and input quantity is given in datasheet of sensor or we can find out in the website of their manufacture.
we will talk about some fundamental terms in measurements in the next blog.